mercoledì 24 dicembre 2014

Christmas Dramatag: Make A Wish (or five)

Well, it's not to late, is it? Ok, maybe it is. But I really wanted to do this tag and show you 5 things I own and love and that, maybe, someone else will love...

Like a mug. They're beautiful object.. and seriously, look at my eeeveelutions mug. It's so pretty! And it has Vaporeon and Umbreon on the same side, whate else could I ask for?

And tea! This is a herbal tea they make in a bio-store close to where I live, and it has apples, almonds, cinnamon and everything you might need to get in a Christimas/winter spirit. And tea is always a good gift imho.
Something with Alphonse Mucha's artwork on it. I use this notebook for my writing ideas, and it has one of my favourite illustrations. It's so pretty, how can you not like it?

Books. Books are always something appreciated. And in case, there's always a gift card! Here I took pics of a couple of Shaun Tan books, a wonderful illustrator of dreamy, weird atmospheres and stories. Both were Christmas gifts..
Brushes! Whether one is a makeup newbie or a pro, you can never have enough brushes! The Neve Cosmetics ones are so pretty, I'd get all of them!

And that's all for this evening! Have a nice Christmas Eve and a nice Christmas tomorrow! Or whatever you celebrate ^_^

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