mercoledì 19 marzo 2014

Grey and pink swirls

Don't you just hate when you do a nice nail art, take a pic and see all the small mistakes and imperfections brought to light? Like the line left by the Seche Vite on my middle finger... anyway, here's a nail art done yesterday evening while rewatching Hunger Games: Catching Fire in search of an inspiration.

Effie Trinket is my spirit animal
I wanted to use Kiko 328, a simple cold-toned grey, and Effie's outfit, which looks more lavender or blueish according to the light, was my inspiration source. I wanted to recreate something "round", no hard edges, and fluffy. The grey is reminiscent of the outfit and the pink of her makeup. Plus, I just really love grey and pink together, I think they look fine.
The swirls were stamped using Kiko 617 and 618, the pink is Kiko 375.

2 commenti:

  1. Risultato davvero carino ^^
    Insomma, che sia giunta l'ora di guardare HG anche per me??

    1. Se non altro per i costumi, che sono una meraviglia! (e grazie!) Io ho un debole per le ambientazioni distopiche, non ho letto i libri ma i film mi sono piaciuti molto, sopratutto il secondo.
