mercoledì 23 ottobre 2013

Urban Decay Hustle nail polish

Sorry for the lack of posts! I've had some really full and tiresome days. At the end of the day I might not be too tired to apply polish, but I wouldn't give it enough time to dry.
Anyway, here's Urban Decay Hustle polish from the Naked set.
The color is a metallic brown/purple that doesn't require a topcoat to shine. Application was easy and drying time was good, shown here are three thin coats. The color really makes me think more of an eyeshadow than of a polish, and I don't even own a UD palette. It is similar to Concrete Minerals' Smut, but darker.
I thought some blue would have gone nicely with it, since light blue/brown is a color combination I love. The light blue is kiko 624. It's also amazing to hide tipwear.

2 commenti:

  1. Per quanto Urban Decay, il mio più grande amore cosmetico, mi abbia fatto amare gli ombretti "naked", non ce la farà nemmeno lui a farmi apprezzare tali colori sulle mie unghie :)

    1. Concordo, credo di avere solo due smalti nude in tutta la collezione e acquisitisolo quanto parte di altri set. Per questo mi sono buttata sui meno nude possibili del set xD
